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modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

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  • #76
    Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

    Originally posted by jozo13 View Post
    sta je OHP?

    stojeci potisak
    A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

    If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.



    • #77
      Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

      DAY 3- OHP 35x3 45x3 50x8

      Accessory Work:
      Paused Bench Press bučicama (3 sets). 20 x 8
      DB OHP (3 sets). 10 ponavljanja
      Side Raises u super seriji s VJ srednje rame (3 sets). 10kgx12x12, x14x14, x12x12
      Face Pulls (3 sets). 10-12 pon
      Shrugs bučicama(3 sets). 30 kgx 10

      DAY 4- Squats 75x3 85x3 95x10-zadnje ponavljanje je bio paused squat

      Accessory Work:
      Stiff Legged Deadlifts (3 sets). 60x6-8
      Leg Curls naizmjenicno(2 sets). 8 ponavljanja
      Calf Raises (2 sets). 12 ponavljanja

      danas pola vjezbi izbaceno.. i ATG high bar squat izbacen kao asesori, zato jer ja tako izvodim cucanj...+ motivacije nema nigdje jer slabo stizem otic u treretanu.. al evo..week2 gotov..
      Do Whatever the Fuck You Wanna Do

      progressive overload, squat, deadlift, bench press.
      kalorije, makronutrijenti, mikronutrijenti.


      Primjer treninga snage/hipertrofije
      Primjer kraceg treninga hipertrofije/snage
      Sve o prehrani
      Sve o treningu


      • #78
        Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

        znaci +2,5kg na TM za bench

        CYCLE 2, WEEK 1, BENCH DAY 5+:

        set1 80 x 5
        set2 90 x 5
        set3 105 x 5+ ====> 10

        60 x 12

        incline bench:
        60 x 10
        80 x 10
        90 x 9
        90 x 6

        razvlacenja kablovima 3 serije po 15

        BW x 10
        20kg x 10
        40kg x 10
        BW x 22

        triceps skull crushers 3 serije x 10-12
        1 arm cable pressdown 3 x 9-10

        ii mnogo istezanja, sutra DL

        @stara: gotta keep pushing!!

        edit: ovo je +5kg i 2 ponavljanja vise od Bench-a prije 16 dana, s malo boljom formom naravno
        Last edited by TripleZ; 30-08-13, 00:59.
        A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

        If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

        * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


        • #79
          Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

          CYCLE 2, WEEK 1, DEADLIFT DAY 5+:

          set1 120 x 5
          set2 140 x 5
          set3 160 x 5+ ---=> 15

          BW x 10
          10kg x 8
          15kg x 9
          bw x 10

          incline bench rows s bucicama:
          17,5 x 15
          22 x 12
          24 x 12
          24 x 13

          60 x 12-15, 3 serije

          jednorucno veslanje kablovima: 30 x 12, 35 x 11, 40 x10

          biceps hammer curls bucice: 17,5 x 10, 22 x 8, 24 x 7, 24 x 7
          biceps s sipkom: 40kg x10-11 3 serije
          A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

          If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

          * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


          • #80
            Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

            Ima li ko od vas spreadsheet u excelu za racunanje tezina u 531? Komp mi se srusia -.-


            • #81
              Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

              Originally posted by Maximus1950 View Post
              Ima li ko od vas spreadsheet u excelu za racunanje tezina u 531? Komp mi se srusia -.-
              A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

              If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

              * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


              • #82
                Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa



                • #83
                  Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

                  evo i ja krećem neko (vjerojatno kraće) vrijeme s ovim, napokon

                  mislio sam prošli tjedan malo maxeve isprobat, ali nisam stigao sve, pa sam danas deadlift radio, i odmah nastavio trening po ovom, tj accessory poslije maxa

                  onda idem sutra dalje, samo drugačijim rasporedom

                  ovo su maxevi poslije stanke
                  dl moram formu poboljašati
                  sq sam malo poboljašao formu, idem dosta niže nego prije kad mi je i max bio višlji (al šta je tu je)
                  ohp do neki dan nisam nikad maxirao
                  a bp je isto prije bio višlji

                  ali nebitno sad, idem u nove pobjede

                  ciklus 1, "tjedan" 1

                  znači danas radio:
                  deadlift - prve dvije serije nekih 5 ponavljanja, sa manjom kilažom, i onda po 1 ponavljanje do maxa (za 10 sam dizao kg)

                  zgibovi - 3 radne serije - 8, 8, 8 kg po 8-10 ponavljanja
                  veslanje sa šipkom - 50 kg 2 serije po 10 ponavljanja (mm veza na nivuo, malo raširio laktove, leđa pogodio punim)
                  veslanje s bučicom - 2 serije sa 20 kg - 10 ponavljanja
                  uski lat - 2 serije sa 40 kg - 12 ponavljanja
                  dobro jutro/hiperekstenzija - 2 serije u superseriji

                  biceps pregib bučicom - 3 serije - 20 kg, 17,5 kg, a zadnja drop serija, neznam koliko ponavljanja, oko 10-ak
                  biceps pregib sjedeći s bučicom - 2 serije - 12,5 kg, 10 kg, 8 kg, drop set obe serije

                  **malo više accessorya, ali je i manje serija, a za drugi put ću neku vježbu izbacit, malo sam gledao šta mi više odgovara

                  dl moram formu popravit (danas se snimao prvi put, pa zato znam), oram isprobati još i sumo sljedeći put
                  The day you started lifting is the day you became forever small. Because you will never be as big as you want to be. Or as you think you are.

                  Fak me, right?


                  • #84
                    Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

                    auu zaboravio sam jucer staviti, here goes:

                    CYCLE 2, WEEK 1, OHP DAY 5+:

                    50 x 5
                    57,5 x 5
                    set3 65 x 5+ ---=> 12(bilo je 13 ali necu brojati taj zadnji, malo vise push-press)

                    incline bench standardno samo zadnja serija lose, lateral flies 3 serije s 2 bucice i jos 2 serije s jednom, facepulls, triceps push down 5 serije, zadnja 43kg x 8

                    komentar: malo se slabije sjecam pa skracena verzija
                    A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                    If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                    * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                    • #85
                      Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

                      CYCLE 2, WEEK 1, SQUAT DAY 5+:

                      set1 87,5 x 5
                      set2 102,5 x 5
                      set3 115 x 5+ ---=> 12

                      sumo DL, 4 serije, iskorak 3 serije, listovi, biceps

                      komentar: welcome Domagoj-e !
                      manji volume, vise istezanja
                      A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                      If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                      * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                      • #86
                        Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa


                        smanjit ću, svakako

                        radim na mobility-u dosta (za razliku od prije), al ću probat još više
                        još da mi je onaj foam roller nać, uf

                        TripleZ, ti na sq i dl dayu radiš biceps odnosno triceps ?
                        The day you started lifting is the day you became forever small. Because you will never be as big as you want to be. Or as you think you are.

                        Fak me, right?


                        • #87
                          Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

                          da pitam nešto

                          jeste vi krenuli sa manjim težinama nego što ona stranica izračuna? (ona stranica) tj. sa manjim TM-om ili ?
                          jer ja sam mislio možda krenut sa manjim težinama
                          The day you started lifting is the day you became forever small. Because you will never be as big as you want to be. Or as you think you are.

                          Fak me, right?


                          • #88
                            Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

                            da umjesto pravog 1RM ubacio sam nesto manje brojke, zato i radim po 10+ ponavljanja na nekim serijama

                            edit: je ubacim nekad i rukice kad su odmorene i imam snage poslije treninga
                            A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                            If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                            * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                            • #89
                              Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

                              evo bas gledam ovaj program i sviđa mi se, poceo bih trenirati tako pa me sada zanima dali sam dobro poslozio vjezbe i dane vjezbanja pa bih zamolio ove momke sto rade vec na ovom programu isprave greske ako ih bude bilo:

                              1.dan Bench press dan: Benc press ( onako kako pise tri serije, mjenjaju se ponavljanja svvaki tjedan onda sve ispocetka), kosi BP 5*10, dips 5*,fly 2*12
                              2. dan deadlift dan : dedlift (klasika),zgibovi 5*, veslanje 5*10, leđna ekstenzija 2*12,trapez 2*12
                              3. dan odmor
                              4. dan cucanj dan: cucanj (klasika), prednji cucanj 5*10,iskorak 3*12,listovi,loza 3*12
                              5.dan OHP dan: ohp(klasika), lateral 3*12, push press 3*10, biceps curls 4*10, potisak sa cela 4*10

                              ako nije nesto dobro a sigurno nije, molim vas da me ispravite, pogotovo tripleza


                              • #90
                                Re: modifikovani 5/3/1trening log forumasa

                                zamjeni dan 4 i OHP ces puno koristiti triceps (ugl. gledaj na to kao push day) i onda ti sutradan opet krece ispocetka bench - znaci neces imati ni 24 sata izmedju...bolje da poslije odmora radis OHP, onda squat pa onda bench(onda jos DL i rest)

                                nemas nista za rear deltove na OHP danu, makar ubaci face pulls po meni...
                                A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                                If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                                * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *

