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modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

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  • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

    s vremenom ce biti obimno i nepregledno. mnogo je bolja varijanta otvarati nove za svaki novi tip treninga.
    just my two cents.
    ``And I found, that I could channel that anger towards lifting. Could channel the anger, aggression and all that kind of crap onto weights, and what that would do is that would make me stronger and build up this shell around me that people couldn't penetrate. And I liked that, being in control.`` George Leeman

    "I don't have dreams, I have goals.'' - Harvey Specter


    • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

      novi log za smolov modifikaciju

      molim vas da po svome nastavite ovdje postavljati (vi sto ste logali) a i ja cu cim se vratim na 5/3/1
      A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

      If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.



      • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

        CYCLE 1, WEEK 2, SQUAT DAY 3+
        Set 1: 49 x 3
        Set 2: 56 x 3
        Set 3: 63 x 3 + 5

        ukupan dojam - prošla su neka dva sata od treninga i mene noge ubijaju i sad dok sidim za kompom, tako da san zadovoljan s time kako san odradija današnji squat day.. u jednom trenutnu u ovoj zadnjoj seriji čučnja san sam sebi vika još dva, još dva!! hahaha.. ja mislin da su ljudi okolo gledali WTF je ovome xD ... od dodatnoga napravljeno sve po planu, listove san radija standing calf raises na smithovoj, za kvadove leg extension, zadnja loža - nožna fleksija i trbušne.. u principu nisan siguran bili iša ovde minjat plan treninga nogu - mislin na dodatne vježbe.. slobodno vi iskusniji preporučite ipak vi znate najbolje
        when you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe than you will be successful


        • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

          prednji cucanj, iskorak, cucanj s pauzom, romanian deadlift, press-a etc.

          generalno sve su ^^bolje od tvojih
          A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

          If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

          * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


          • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

            pa počet ću sanjat ovaj čučanj više haha
            when you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe than you will be successful


            • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

              Originally posted by ThornNox View Post
              pa počet ću sanjat ovaj čučanj više haha
              tako treba #samocucanj
              A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

              If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

              * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


              • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                mogao bih u powerlifting gym zadnjih mjesec dana do takmicenja (tj. za 10 dana da se prebacim bar jedan mjesec da vidim kako je)
                A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                  Trening od jucer:

                  CYCLE 5, WEEK 1, DEADLIFT DAY 5+:

                  Set 1: 130x5
                  Set 2: 150x5
                  Set 3: 170x5+ --> 5 (+10kg i -3 pon) mogao sam i preko 5 ali nisam htio forsirat jer bi mi se pocela lomit forma a ovako je bila odlicna

                  Dosta veslanja sa kablovima i bucicama, pulloversi i biceps pregib

                  Komentar: dosta krvav trening makar odrađen u sat vremena max.

                  sent from my nokia 3410
                  myprotein code: MP24017174


                  • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                    CYCLE 5, WEEK 1, OHP DAY 5+:

                    Set 1: 47.5x5
                    Set 2: 57.5x5
                    Set 3: 65x5+ ---> 5 (+2.5kg i nemam zabiljezen trening na 4.-om ciklusu )

                    Stojeci potisak bucicama: 20x15, 26x13 x12 x12

                    Lateral rise: 10,14x15,16x12, 18x12 x12

                    Letenje bucicama za zadnje rame: 16,22,28x12 x12 x12 (zadnje 3 serije su bile u super seriji sa facepullsima)

                    Shrugs: 4 serije zadnja drop

                    Crunches i cardio 20 min

                    sent from my nokia 3410
                    myprotein code: MP24017174


                    • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                      CYCLE 1, WEEK 2, BENCH DAY 3+
                      Set 1: 56 x 3
                      Set 2: 64 x 3
                      Set 3: 72 x 3 + 1 + 1 uz pomoć ...

                      ukupan dojam - šta se tiče samog bencha ne znan šta da kažen osim da san malo razočaran.. mislija san ići zadnju seriju na 3 + 5 kad ono ni blizu.. nakon toga odradija standardno ostatak treninga i to puno bolje nego inače i sa po barem 2 do 4kg većim kilažama, stvarno san bija raspoložen danas. i satra san se ka konj.. samo ukratko nešto šta san primjetija zadnjih 7-8 treninga da mi dođu kratko trenutci u kojima iman dojam da ne mogu udahnit do kraja, dakle ka da mi fali zraka.. pretpostavljam da je to jer je dosta zagušljivo u teretani + ja radin u dugin rukavima.. eto toliko
                      when you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe than you will be successful


                      • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                        dinc koliko se dugo jos kontas defkati ?
                        A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                        If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                        * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                        • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                          Originally posted by TripleZ View Post
                          dinc koliko se dugo jos kontas defkati ?
                          Sredina ili kraj 6.-og Mjeseca... Cini mi se da mi zelis rec da trenutno pauziram sa programom dok se ne vratim na normalni kcal unos (da budem iskren to sam i razmisljao)

                          Mislim, realno sam dosta slab i mali je progress ali vidim da jos uvijek mogu i razmisljao sam ic do te granice dok uspijem napravit određeni rep range na radnim serijama.

                          sent from my nokia 3410
                          myprotein code: MP24017174


                          • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                            pa bolji je slab progress nego nikakav progress...trening u deficitu je isto bitan koliko i u suficitu (jeste tezi, ali opet jako bitan)

                            ne mislim da pauziras samo me zanima koliko ce jos biti ovaj minimalan vid treninga
                            A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                            If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                            * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                            • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                              Originally posted by TripleZ View Post
                              pa bolji je slab progress nego nikakav progress...trening u deficitu je isto bitan koliko i u suficitu (jeste tezi, ali opet jako bitan)

                              ne mislim da pauziras samo me zanima koliko ce jos biti ovaj minimalan vid treninga
                              Od ponedjeljka krecem na keto. Bas me zanima kakvi ce biti rezultati na treninzima, jos se nisam susreo s tim... Jucer imao 90.5 i mislim da cu se trebat spustit do 85 sto bi bilo tocno 10kg od kad sam krenuo na defku...


                              sent from my nokia 3410
                              Last edited by Dinč; 02-05-14, 10:56.
                              myprotein code: MP24017174


                              • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                                CYCLE 1, WEEK 2, DEADLIFT DAY 3+
                                Set 1: 70 x 3
                                Set 2: 80 x 3
                                Set 3: 90 x 3 + 8
                                i onda me puka neki film..
                                Set 4: 100 x 3
                                Set 5: 110 x 3

                                ukupan dojam- koja san ja *****.. zna san da mogu još 120kg, pa čak možda i 130kg i umisto da dignen tu RM ja se usra u gaće i nisan tija nastavit dalje.. sve jedno san zadovoljan, danas san sve kilaže poveća koliko toliko, bija san baš nabrijan, ma 100% od onog meda na piletini pas mater.. iden jist ono president govno od sira i spavat..
                                when you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe than you will be successful

