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sera - 12 week daily trainer trazim mislenje

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  • sera - 12 week daily trainer trazim mislenje

    e ovako kaze:
    1 dan legs vjezbi:
    Cardio: 20 minutes
    Leg Press:
    3-5 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps
    3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

    Hamstring Curl:
    2 warm-up sets of 15 reps
    3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

    Lying Hamstring Curl:
    2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps
    3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

    Leg Extension:
    2 warm-up sets of 15-20 reps
    2 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

    Hack Squats:
    2 warm-up sets of 15-20 reps
    3 sets to failure in 15-30 reps

    Cardio: 20 minutes
    2 dan -chest and triceps vjezbe
    Cardio: 20 minutes
    Flat Dumbbell Press:
    3 warm-up sets of 6-10 reps
    2 sets to failure in 6-10 reps

    Incline Flyes:
    2 sets to failure in 8-10 reps

    Straight Arm Pullover:
    2 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

    Rope Extension:
    3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

    Lying Cable Extensions:
    3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

    Overhead Dumbbell Extension:
    3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

    Cardio: 20 minutes
    3-dan off
    4-dan back and biceps vjezbe

    Previous Day | Next Day
    [ Kris Gethin's 12 Week Daily Trainer ]

    Week 1, Day 4:
    Back & Biceps Workout

    FST-7 - FST (Fascial Stretch Training) -7, a training system developed by Hany Rambod and used on his clients, targets the fascial layer directly beneath the skin and above the muscles with seven sets performed for a final exercise.

    Cardio: 20 minutes
    Reverse Grip Pulldown:
    1 warm up set of 8-10 reps
    3 sets of 8-10 reps

    Bent Over Barbell Rows:
    1 warm up set of 8-10 reps
    3 sets of 8-10 reps

    1 warm up set of 10-12 reps
    2 sets of 10-12 reps

    Straight Arm Pulldown:
    7 sets of 12-15 reps

    Concentration Curls:
    2 warm-up sets of 12-15 reps, per arm
    3 sets of 12-15 reps, per arm

    Alternating Dumbbell Curl:
    3 sets of 12-15 reps, per arm

    Cable Curls:
    3 sets of 15-20 reps

    Cardio: 20 minutes
    5-dan shoulders,calves,abs vjezbe
    Cardio: 20 minutes
    Military Press:
    2 warm up sets of 6-8 reps
    3 sets of 6-8 reps

    Side Raises:
    1 warm up set of 12-15 reps
    3 sets of 12-15 reps

    Upright Rows 21's:
    3 sets of 7,7,7 reps

    Rear Delt Raises:
    7 sets of 12-15 reps


    Weighted Situps:
    3 sets of 15-20 reps

    Seated Calf Raises:
    3 sets of 20 reps

    Standing Calf Raises:
    3 sets of 18-20 reps, 1 foot at a time

    20 min Cardio: Walking
    6-dan legs
    7-dan off
    ovo je 1 tjedna ima 12 ali u svi ima cardio ali mene me sad buni ta sta svaki trening ima cardio 2 puta citao sam da cardio sagovara misice zato nisam zeleo pocit sa ovom program jer ne znam dal ovo valja zelim vase mislenje evo sada i ishranu kaze ovako:
    Egg Whites
    Meal 2:

    Lean Steak
    Brown Rice

    Sweet Potato

    Brown Rice

    Sweet Potato

    Brown Rice

    Protein Shake with Glutamine, Creatine, and Vitargo

    Lean Steak
    Nighttime Snack:

    Meal Replacement Shake - Kris recommends CNP ProPep
    evo i rezim ishrane ako neko zeli videti i drugi tjedni evo linka: ... ainer.html
    zelim vase mislenje
    fala unapred

  • #2
    Re: sera - 12 week daily trainer trazim mislenje

    A gle, trening od profića za profiće! Mislim da je netko tu napisao da nije baš za naturalce. Uglavnom, glupo mi je bilo kaj ispravljati, kada ga je napisao čovjek koji se bavi time, no baš me bode u oči previše curlova i extenzija u danu za noge. S obzirom na kardio, vjerojatno program za defku. Možeš probati smanjiti kardio prije na kojih 5 min, a iza treninga povećati na 30 min. No, kao što kažem, uz toliko kardia, ne ćeš baš do mase, ali ako ti je cilj definicija, samo udri.
    Hrana se važe sirova. Žutanjak je super.


    • #3
      Re: sera - 12 week daily trainer trazim mislenje

      ni meni se ovo bas ne cini idealno za natural ekipu

