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Armstrongov program ....

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  • Armstrongov program ....

    odlucio sam se za armstrongov program ( zgibovi na prvom mjestu )
    tamo on preporucuje koju seriju sklekova, pa .... njih sam konto radit(sa opt. 3/4) prije nastave (uvjek druga smjena u sk ) a zgibovi poslje ...
    takodjer sam mislio umjesto 5 dana tjedno radit 4 tj. onaj peti dan kad radis program od kojeg dana oces(koje cito njegov program zna o cemu govorim) , umjesto njega ubacit noge, pa odmor dva dana i opet
    (sto ce tice prehrane mislim da je prolazna, 5/6 obroka dnevno, oko 1.5g p po kg)
    PON- sklekovi -skola- zgibovi
    UTO- sklekovi -skola- zgibovi
    SRI- sklekovi -skola- zgibovi
    CET- sklekovi -skola- zgibovi
    PET- noge
    jos da napomenam na masi sam da dobijem kilo u sljedeca 2 mjeseca dosta meni
    ako ko ima kakva iskustva s ovim programom neka kaze Hvala

  • #2
    Re: Armstrongov program ....

    jos sam mislio umjesto sklekova ponekad ubacit koju seriju propadanja .....
    mislite li vi ista otome ... ? ako mislite recite sta ....


    • #3
      Re: Armstrongov program ....

      ja samo mogu da kazem da je taj Armstrongov program odlican. KOd mene doduse nije rezultovao time da na kraju radim znacajno vise zgibova, ali sam definitivo odlicno razvio ledja. Ali tezak je, nemoj da mislis da je lak.
      Ne bih izostavljao taj dan broj 5 jer je jako vazan. Ja sam taj peti dan uvek radio onu varijaciju radnih serija do otkaza.
      Bolje noge ubaci jedan dan ili za vikend dodatno. Ja sam taj mesec na Armstrongovom programu radio hill sprints (nadji na netu, to je sprintanje uzbrdo) i imao sam odlicne rezultate. To sam sve radio na moru mesec dana, a kad sam se vratio u teretanu, trener me je bas pohvalio kako sam se razvio. Doduse, pre toga sam bio kostur i tek sam poceo sa vezbanjem, tako da je napredak bio dobar, kao kod svih pocetnika...
      Super je taj Armstrong, stvarno... Mozda se preko leta posvetim opet njemu jedan mesec, a prestanem s teretanom, promene radi...

      ovo sam ja pre Armstronga
      a ovo odmah posle, mesec dana kasnije
      “Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t
      mind, it doesn’t matter.”


      • #4
        Re: Armstrongov program ....

        dobar napredak samo za 1mjesec
        nego reci mi jesili sklekove radio u sklopu programa ... ako jesi, koliko serija?
        sto se tice sprinteva uzbrdo i njih sam konto ubacit, samo mi fali brdo ... mogu li koristit samo sprinteve (kolika je razlika)...?
        e jos me zanima koliko si mogo na pocetku zgibova napravit tj. kad si tek poceo, a koliko kad si zavrsio s programom .... ako nije tajna


        • #5
          Re: Armstrongov program ....

          radio sam ovaj program ali nisam bio nesto zadovoljan te sam sam sastavio sebi program citajuci na netu razne strucnjake i resio sam raditi spore zgibove i staticno drzanje na vratilu.

          spori zgibovi se rade sa sakama ka sebi i obrnuto. podignes se polako dok ti ruke ne budu pod pravim uglom i tu zadrzis 15-ak sekundi, onda polako se podignes iznad sipke i tu zadrzis jos 15ak sec, onda se spustis polako do 45 stepeni i zadrzis pa se spustis do pocetne pozicije ali da ne ispravljas skroz ruke i tu zadrzis pa sve ispocetka. a sto se tice staticnog drzanja, samo se uhvatis za sipku i drzis ispruzenih ruku koliko mozes. u pocetku ces moci mozda nekih 20ak sec ali kako podlaktica i hvat budu jacali tako ces moci vise izdrzati. postavis sebi cilj recimo dok ne dodjes na 5 ili 10 min da visis. podlaktica i hvat su MNOGO bitni kod zgibova.

          ovi spori zgibovi su odlicni jer ti kada radis standardne zgibove ne koristis svako misicno vlakno tako da misic koristi samo onoliko vlakana koliko je potrebno da se uradi pokret, a sa ovim sporim dizanjem vlakna se umaraju kroz nekoliko sekundi i onda ce misic poceti da koristi sve vise i vise vlakana dok na kraju nebude koristio sva vlakna.

          ja sam zapanjen da za toliko kratko vreme sam uspeo uraditi 16 zgibova (stao sam tu zbog povrede ramena)

          znam da ja nisam armstrong i ko ce mene da slusa ali zeleo sam ovo podeliti sa vama i ko zna mozda neko na kraju proba

          evo samo oni koji su uradili armstrong program neka se uhvate rukama za vratilo i neka vise i videces da ce jedva ko moci duze od minuta.


          • #6
            Re: Armstrongov program ....


            ne znam zašto pitaš za skelkove koliko se rade, imaš li ti taj program napisan? Ako nemaš evo ti ga u nastavku originalni tekst. Imao sam i neki prevod na srpskom, ali sam posle upoređujući ga sa engleskim shvatio da je loš i nepotpun.
            Ali evo ukratko o sklekovima:

            svako jutro radiš 3 serije sklekova DO OTKAZA. Serije ne moraju da budu odmah jedna iza druge. Armstrong opisuje kako bio dmah iz kreveta ustao i uradio jednu seriju. Onda ode obavi toalet, pa se laganica vrati i uradi još jednu seriju sklekova. Onda ode da se obrije, pa se vrati i uradi treću seriju.
            ZGIBOVI se ne rade dok ne prođe barem 2-3 sata posle sklekova.

            Kao što ti rekoh, nisam nešto povećao broj zgibova koje mogu da uradim, ali sam vidno popravio muskulaturu leđa. Tada sam imao staž od samo mesec dana u teretani i nakon toga sam otišao na more i mesec dana radio ovaj program. Mislim da bih sad, nakon određenog staža u teretani imao bolje rezultate, jer sam u to vreme bio jako slab, budući da sam tek završio tromesečnu dijetu detokskacije izgladnjivanjem samo na svežem voću i povrću i bio kost i koža. Takođe, za tih mesec dana sam se bio ugojio oko 5 kg, što takođe otežava stvar kod zgibova. Počeo sam sa oko 5 zgibova, a završio sa 7-8. Možda bih imao i bolje rezultate, ali sam bio jako iscrpljen, kako od programa, tako od mršavosti, a još sam pritom i svaki dan pešačio po ceo dan, plivao, itd...

            Evo ti kompletan tekst programa, pa strudiraj

            The Armstrong Pull-up Program

            This program was developed by Major Charles Lewis Armstrong. Major Armstrong
            developed this workout to prepare him to set a new world record in number of pull-ups
            completed in a single exercise session.

            The program provides the necessities for any successful physical improvement regime,
            namely variety, overload and regularity. Users have achieved remarkable results in only
            6-8 weeks. This means that most, if not all, have been able to achieve the performance
            level they desired, a set of 20 repetitions, as long as they are consistent with the program.
            It cannot be overemphasized that this program depends upon regularity. Daily
            performance of the exercises listed in the following paragraphs holds the true key to
            reaching and maintaining the 20-repetition level.

            The Morning Routine

            Each morning, perform 3 maximum effort sets of normal push-ups. This is very
            important!! The push-up is one of the best exercises for strengthening the entire set of
            muscles making up the shoulder girdle. Major Armstrong described this morning routine
            in the following manner: After rising, I would drop to the deck and do my first set of
            push-ups. I would then move into the head and start my morning toilet. I would return
            after a few minutes and do my second maximum effort set after which, I would go back
            into the head and shave. After shaving I would return to the bedroom and complete the
            third and final set. Having completed all of the push-ups, I was awake and ready for a
            relaxing shower.

            This routine should be followed during the entire training period. Since it takes most of
            us at least four weeks to reach our goals, you will probably find that you have
            inadvertently established a morning routine that is easy enough to keep as a lifetime
            habit. If not you will at least appreciate the morning shower a little more.
            I have noted that the push-up routine helps to alleviate any soreness during the first
            couple of weeks. I recommend that you use the push-up routine every day during this
            period so that you feel more comfortable during your initial adjustment to this regime of

            Training Regimen

            The following represents the heart of the training program. I recommend that you do not
            attempt the pull-ups until two to three hours after the push-up routine is completed. The
            program is conveniently divided into five training days. This is easily translated into a
            Monday to Friday training schedule. It is important to cease the pull-ups for two days,
            Saturday and Sunday. Further it is necessary to use consecutive days (not to skip days)
            when on the pull-up routine. Finally, it is obviously more important to do the pull-ups
            than the push-ups.

            This training program was specifically designed to improve performance in the overhand
            pull-up (palms facing away). The overhand method is the preferred method, but for now
            do what you need to in order to complete the most repetitions for your PFT. Mix up your
            training between underhand and overhand until you can do twenty both ways. The
            program depends upon quality exercises – number of repetitions are secondary. When
            you are doing these exercises, you should concentrate on perfect execution of each
            repetition. The only person you can fool with less than your best is yourself.

            Day 1

            Five maximum effort sets. Rest 90 seconds between each set. Do not concern yourself
            with numbers. You will find that you increase the numbers in the last two sets before you
            see much improvement in the first three. Make sure that each set is a maximum effort set.

            Day 2

            Pyramid day. Start the pyramid with one repetition, the next set has two, and the next set
            has three. Continue in this fashion until you miss a set (e.g. your last set was four then
            five, your next set should be six but you only do four repetitions. You missed the set) Do
            one more set at maximum effort. Rest 10 seconds for each repetition in the previous set.

            Day 3

            Do three training sets (training sets are defined later) with a normal grip (palms away or
            toward you, hands slightly wider than shoulder width). Rest 60 seconds between each set.
            Slide your hands together and palms toward you so your little fingers are 0-4 inches apart
            and complete three more training sets resting 60 seconds between each set. Finally do
            three training sets with a wide overhand grip (palms facing away) resting 60 seconds
            between each set.

            Day 4

            Do the maximum number of training sets that you can accomplish. Rest 60 seconds
            between each set. You do training sets until you fail to do a perfect training set. This day
            can wind up being the longest training day as you continue with the program because you
            will find it easy to do lots of training sets. If you can do more than nine training sets,
            increase by one repetition next week.

            Day 5

            Repeat the day that you found to be the hardest in the previous four days. This may
            change from week to week. You can also try to doing weighted pull-ups or a pull-up
            assist machine for this day.

            Training Sets

            Training sets are easy to define, but require some experimentation to determine for the
            individual participating in the program. A training set has a specified number of
            repetitions. That means that one individual may have seven repetitions in his training set,
            but another could have more or less. The key to determining the proper number of
            repetitions in a training set comes on day 3. You must perform 9 training sets that day. If
            you only do 12 repetitions on a max effort set, then your training set would probably only
            be 1-3 repetitions. Remember, it is much more important that you complete all nine sets
            than doing an extra rep and only completing 6 or 7 sets. Day 3 calls for you to do nine
            training sets. Adjust your training set so that you can complete this routine properly.
            The best gauge for the number of repetitions in a training set comes on day 4. If you
            successfully complete day 3, try increasing the number of repetitions in your training set
            by one when you do day 4. If you complete at least 9 training sets, then you know your
            training set should be that higher number. If you do less than nine sets, stick with the
            number you used for day 3.

            It is important that you do not change the repetitions in a training set in midstream. When
            you schedule yourself to do the day’s routine using three repetitions in your training set,
            do not change it to two when the exercises get hard. If you miss, you miss. There is
            always tomorrow.


            Ladies will find that this program adapts well to the flexed arm hang. Training sets are
            simply translated into hang times.

            Chin-ups may be substituted for those who prefer this technique, however, day 3 must
            still be completed exactly as described with 6 sets done with the overhand grip.

            It is highly recommended that you follow this program using overhand grip as most of
            the obstacles that you will have to get over at OCS require an overhand grip.

            Final Thoughts

            This program will work for anyone who makes a sincere effort. You may notice a drop in
            your maximum effort set. This is a normal physiological reaction called "tear down." As
            you continue, you will improve. Most of my midshipmen were able to reach the 20-
            repetition level in a short period of time. They started the program able to do only twelve
            to fifteen repetitions. If you are not at this level, it will take longer than four weeks to
            reach 20 repetitions. However, if you stay with the program, you will reach this goal.
            Disclaimer: It is very important to note that none of these physical training programs
            should be started by anyone until you have consulted a licensed physician and you are
            told you are medically qualified to begin this specific type of physical training.
            “Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t
            mind, it doesn’t matter.”


            • #7
              Re: Armstrongov program ....

              a što se tiče hill sprints:
              imaš valjda neku uzbrdicu odnosno blagi nagib, barem oko 10-15 metara? To će ti biti sasvim dovoljno za početak. Nije potrebno da uzbrdica bude dugačka i nagib prevelik. Samo istrči 20 puta gore dole na uzbrdici oko 15 m, pa ćeš videti kako gore kvadricepsi
              Zgrej se samo pre toga laganim joggingom i razgibavanjem, da ne pokidaš neki mišić sprintovima.
              “Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t
              mind, it doesn’t matter.”


              • #8
                Re: Armstrongov program ....

                i svakako radi zgibove bez cimanja, noge da ti vise nepokretne i samo snagom ruku polako i odmereno se podižeš do brade i polako se spuštaš. Možeš da uradiš i sa zadržavanjem na pola ponekad, nije to loše, ali u principu - skoncentriši se na ono što je opisano u samom programu.
                “Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t
                mind, it doesn’t matter.”


                • #9
                  Re: Armstrongov program ....

                  ja imam mozda cudno i glupo pitanje ali tice se ovog programa. ako sam ista naucio citajuci ovaj forum jest da su odmor prehrana i trening najbitnije stvari za rast i razvijanje. a ovim treningom svaki dan i tako 5 dana u tjednu radimo sklekove do otkaza i intenzivne zgibove. neznam zato i pitam kolko je to dobro i kolko leđa i prsa mogu odmoriti u to vrijeme a npr u teretani kada sam iznijeo svoj program su mi svi sugerirali da jednu skupinu radnim jednom tjedno?

