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Ironmaxx Whey

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  • #61
    Re: Ironmaxx Whey

    Ma dajte ljudi, to nisu tolike kolicine, to su zanemarive kolicine, zar vi stvarno mislite da bi on bio odobren u prodaju da je tako?
    Procitajte ovo i malo razmislite ..
    Last edited by Builty; 17-07-13, 20:23.


    • #62
      Re: Ironmaxx Whey

      Zašto ne bi bia dozvoljen u prodaji?

      Na mon wheyu su sastojci poredani po količini, ako je tako i na ironmaxxu znači da najviše ima izolata soje od svih ostalih.
      Također imaš i suprotnih istraživanja, teorija, ... od tog tvog linka.
      "What the mind believes the body achieves."


      • #63
        Re: Ironmaxx Whey

        Dobro istina, mozda nemam pravo sa plasiranjem u prodaju, ne vrse se tu neke posebne kontrole i testiranja.
        Ne pise kolicina, vec je samo nabrojeno, ne mora znaciti da je to po redu od najviseg do najmanjeg ..
        Istina, ali nista nije dokazano, jedni potkrepljuju znanstvenim argumentima svoje teze a drugi prakticnim i obrnuto.


        • #64
          Re: Ironmaxx Whey

          Ako nekoga brine estrgoen neka veću pažnju prida na ovo

          GMO soja je 77% cjelog udjela konvencionalne proizvodnje iz statistika 2010.

          Bilo bi dobro da je deklarirano jel je ili nije GMO.
          Svi proizvodi iz SAD-a, nisu dužni to deklarirati.

          Ako vas ne brine GMO onda vam preostaje samo estrogen. Ovo sa estrognem je zanimljiva tema. Jer ljudi u aziji konzumiraju soju tisućljećima, no uglavnom fermetiranu.

          Asian Cultures Only Ate FERMENTED Soy

          Sources that promote soy assert that Asians have eaten "tons of soy" for millennia. If you search the Internet for "soybeans", you can find statements such as "soybeans have been a major source of protein for people in Asia for more than 5,000 years". However, according to the extensively researched book, The Whole Soy Story: the dark side of America's favorite health food, by Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN, (this month's Book of the Month), the Chinese first started eating soybeans about 2,500 years ago, after they figured out how to ferment it. Somehow, the ancient Chinese knew that soybeans still contain many toxins after cooking and thus avoiding eating it until they learned to neutralize those toxins through fermentation. And in traditional Asian diets, soy is only used in small amounts as a condiment, with pork, seafood and other animals providing the bulk of the protein. Only very recently has soy been eaten the way we typically eat it, consuming large amounts in an unfermented and often highly processed form. Soy was originally considered an inedible plant, used to fix nitrogen in the soil. Even today you can find people from farming families who remember that as the primary use of soy.

          The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing

