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PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

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  • #61
    Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

    Originally posted by domagoj View Post
    dumbbell step up će biti umjesto ekstenzije

    šta je s tom ekstenzijom uopće? vidio sam već da si pisao da ti nije baš draga
    pa nezz, prvo je prenapucana i nekako go-to exercise za svakog noob-a u teretanu koji misli da ce sad posteno noge odraditi(inace fudbaleri koji krenu u teretanu da ojacaju noge, pa im 'trener' posavjetuje to, a ne daj Boze cucanj probati) a drugo bio sam jedan od tih pa sam imao nikakav napredak od tih ''zestokih leg extension' treninga

    osim toga mislim da je time vise koljena razvaljeno nego sto je grama misica nabijeno na quadove

    eh i ovo
    Leg Extension Risks:

    1. Increased patellofemoral joint reaction force, knee movement, and joint stress in the most commonly used range of motion.

    2. Reduced hamstrings activity.

    3. Reduced VMO activity and late onset of firing.

    4. Non-existent hip adductor and abductor contribution.

    5. Increased rectus femoris firing.

    6. Constant ACL tension.

    7. Higher patellar ligament, quadriceps tendon, and patellofemoral and tibiofemoral forces with the most commonly utilized loading parameters.

    8. Increased lateral patellar deviation.

    9. Insufficient involvement of surrounding joints to ensure optimal functioning.

    10. Poor training economy (no carryover to closed-chain performance from open-chain exercises).

    Leg Extension Benefits:

    1. Will give you a good pump, but not even close to the benefits you'll get from squatting and single-leg movements.

    2. Uh, wait, there's really only one benefit — and it's pretty weak.

    Whether you're a patient or not, the take-home message is the same: if you want more bang for your training buck you should be squatting, not doing leg extensions. Factor in the additional loading that squatting allows, and it should come as no surprise that you'll see better gains in size, strength, and functional capacity.

    The take home message is this: seated knee extensions are not a natural loading pattern on the knee, and the negatives outweigh the positives. The quads get plenty of work during squats, as does every other lower body muscle. You can skip all of those isolating machines and just stick to squats. This will be much more effective in terms of safety, translation to “real” strength and function, as well as toning and all of that good stuff. One good set of squats will certainly burn more calories than all of those little leg machines together. A squat demands all of your muscles to work together, including the core. If you get bored with squats, you are uninformed. Many strongmen and longtime lifters have yet to be bored with squat variations because there are so many options. Front, back, single leg, dumbbell, barbell, body weight, split, hack, box, half, deep, quarter, jump squats…..just to name a few different types. Deadlifts, step-ups, and lunges all are nice options for the lower body as well. Each of these has multiple variations. In certain instances, the leg extension may be used.
    Some therapists and coaches use it with very light weight for range of motion, or use it to strengthen certain joint angles (no movement, just hold in certain positions), which is helpful for someone with foot problems as a way to keep the leg muscles active without being weight bearing. However, unless instructed by a professional, skip past the machines and learn some proper squatting techniques. Body weight squats alone can do wonders for strength, endurance, and toning. Enjoy squat progressions, not just by adding weight but changing the movement. I guarantee it will keep you busy and get you more results!

    nije da je to sad neko zlo, ali kako god okrenes ima boljih i sigurnijih varijanti, i sa boljom prenosivoscu snage na glavne liftove

    edit: licno sam(u vremenu ozbiljnog dizanja) samo koristio ekstenziju sa skroz malom tezinom poslije zagrijavanja i prije cucnja...samo eto malo da ''proradi krv''
    Last edited by TripleZ; 19-02-13, 03:55.
    A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

    If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.



    • #62
      Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

      Originally posted by TripleZ View Post
      a drugo bio sam jedan od tih pa sam imao nikakav napredak od tih ''zestokih leg extension' treninga
      Pridruzujem se hehe... I tada sam se cudio kad netko kaze da pada s nogu ili povraca poslije treninga nogu... A ja kao u formi
      Ja leg extension takodjer radim prije cucnja kao zagrijavanje po 20-30 ponavljanja s jako malo kila i 2-3 serije i eventualno nakon cucnja jos koju seriju da in dokrajcim...


      • #63
        Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

        kako se zagrijete na power dane??
        Do Whatever the Fuck You Wanna Do

        progressive overload, squat, deadlift, bench press.
        kalorije, makronutrijenti, mikronutrijenti.


        Primjer treninga snage/hipertrofije
        Primjer kraceg treninga hipertrofije/snage
        Sve o prehrani
        Sve o treningu


        • #64
          Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

          ja osobno pješke do teretane nekih 1 km + sklekovi , šipka ( prazna od 20 kg ) , cucnjevi ...
          Don´t ever let somebody tell you, you can´t to something.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period


          • #65
            Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

            Originally posted by staragarda View Post
            kako se zagrijete na power dane??
            malo istezanja, i onda lagano od prazne sipke krenem pa dok ne dodjem do radnih serija...nista posebno

            to je za prvu vjezbu, za ostale mi onda ne treba toliko - najcesce samo 1 ili nijedna serija (osim za bench pa veslanje, tu mi kod obje treba par serija)
            A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

            If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

            * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


            • #66
              Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

              e to tripelz da..

              tako sam i radio...
              Do Whatever the Fuck You Wanna Do

              progressive overload, squat, deadlift, bench press.
              kalorije, makronutrijenti, mikronutrijenti.


              Primjer treninga snage/hipertrofije
              Primjer kraceg treninga hipertrofije/snage
              Sve o prehrani
              Sve o treningu


              • #67
                Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                ja malo duže zagrijavam ramena kod power upper dana, jedno vrijeme me bolilo u lijevom ramena, al ne na treningu nego ujutro kad ustanem i ovako po danu se nekad javi bol, al nikad u teretani, i nekim čudo, prošlo me!!

                al zato se sad malo više posvetim zagrijavanju
                The day you started lifting is the day you became forever small. Because you will never be as big as you want to be. Or as you think you are.

                Fak me, right?


                • #68
                  Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                  da vas pitam ako radite hammer za bic kad radite pokret prema gore jel idete prema van unutra ili normlano po sredini nzm kao da vam objasnim drukcije hahah inace radim hammer nekad stojecki nekad na kosoj klupi i ividm da svatko drukcije radi taj kontrakcijiski pokret
                  Don´t ever let somebody tell you, you can´t to something.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period


                  • #69
                    Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                    Pozdrav phatovci :P ev i ja sam odlucio da smanjim malo tempo pa sam se odlucio pridruzit vama...
                    Danas odradjen prvi trening napravio sam male izmjene i malo sam improviziro ,umjesto ovog rack chins sam radio lat sa uskim hvatom i malo vise sam nageo ledja unazad jeste da se biceps ukljucuje malo vise al sam osjetio teres major / minor i latove fenomenalno sto je valjda i cilj rack chinsa


                    • #70
                      Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                      ma PHAT je zakon svima ga preporucam i da se riješe straha "overtraninga" mišica dovoljno je 36 h za oprovaka znanestevno dokazano a sta se tice CNS nakon 8-10 tjedana par dana pauzirat ili niski intenzitet
                      ja sam istio bio skeptican ali dok ne pocneš citati i ne probaš nemožeš znati ako pogledate malo u prošlost ovog foruma viditi ce te da je i Iggy zagovorao takav nacin a njega svi poštujete i cijenite
                      You gona make all kinds of gains
                      Don´t ever let somebody tell you, you can´t to something.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period


                      • #71
                        Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                        samo naprijed !!
                        A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                        If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                        * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                        • #72
                          Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                          tijekom radnih serija uvijek vam je konstantna kilaza ili(power dani, hiper. dani)??
                          Do Whatever the Fuck You Wanna Do

                          progressive overload, squat, deadlift, bench press.
                          kalorije, makronutrijenti, mikronutrijenti.


                          Primjer treninga snage/hipertrofije
                          Primjer kraceg treninga hipertrofije/snage
                          Sve o prehrani
                          Sve o treningu


                          • #73
                            Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                            Originally posted by staragarda View Post
                            tijekom radnih serija uvijek vam je konstantna kilaza ili(power dani, hiper. dani)??
                            kod power dana je konstantna, a kod hipertrofije možeš zadnju seriju spustit (neki dropset napravit), da što bolje pogodiš mišić u svrhu hipertrofije
                            The day you started lifting is the day you became forever small. Because you will never be as big as you want to be. Or as you think you are.

                            Fak me, right?


                            • #74
                              Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                              ja cu ovaj tjedan dovršiti još dane hipertrofije pa cu iduci tjedan uzeti odmor osjetim mali pad
                              ovo mi je otprilike 9 tjedan
                              Don´t ever let somebody tell you, you can´t to something.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period


                              • #75
                                Re: PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

                                ja sam nedavno uzeo tjedan odmora (iako nisam htio), sad sam se opet zaletio, dobro ide

                                kakav pad ? ne napreduješ kao na početku ili ??
                                The day you started lifting is the day you became forever small. Because you will never be as big as you want to be. Or as you think you are.

                                Fak me, right?

