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modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

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  • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

    aaaaa vrh (nerviras me samo tako ) ali svu srecu zelim !!

    edit: i da, go ''have fun, have risk'' zivot je kratak
    ``And I found, that I could channel that anger towards lifting. Could channel the anger, aggression and all that kind of crap onto weights, and what that would do is that would make me stronger and build up this shell around me that people couldn't penetrate. And I liked that, being in control.`` George Leeman

    "I don't have dreams, I have goals.'' - Harvey Specter


    • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

      news news news:

      izlazim na bench only dan prije - to subota

      nedjelja powerlifting

      edit: megi you don't even lift

      edit2: oke, znaci idemo YOLO
      jos ako mi se weigh-in od subote bude racunao i za nedjelju, moci cu liftat sa 95kg
      Last edited by TripleZ; 16-04-14, 11:39.
      A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

      If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.



      • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

        da kak'e su to fore, kao PL je sq i dl, a benchpress benchpress gluuuuupost...
        ``And I found, that I could channel that anger towards lifting. Could channel the anger, aggression and all that kind of crap onto weights, and what that would do is that would make me stronger and build up this shell around me that people couldn't penetrate. And I liked that, being in control.`` George Leeman

        "I don't have dreams, I have goals.'' - Harvey Specter


        • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

          ne PL je sve 3

          a bench je bench

          bencham dva dana za redom
          A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

          If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

          * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


          • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

            Damnnn 210 kg,kapa dole! Zelim ti svu srecu na meetu i da postignes sto bolje rezultate!

            P.s. koje si ti godiste?

            sent from my nokia 3410
            myprotein code: MP24017174


            • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa


              i hvala
              A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

              If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

              * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


              • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                sretno na meetu. Ne sumnjam u to da ces dati svoj best bez obzira na sve


                • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                  Originally posted by TripleZ View Post
                  dvoumim se izmedju ''safe side'' gdje ce prva dva biti sigurica, te da osiguram 600 total (210, 145, 245 ili 205, 145, 250)
                  ''have fun'' gdje ce drugi pokusaji biti PR-ovi sa recimo 215/145/255 pa na trecem odem full retard i roknem 225/150/260

                  ali u drugom su vece sanse da onda na kraju zavrsim s totalom od jedno 550

                  tako da nista ne znam, vidjecu sta mi bude ćejf

                  joj sto mi je jos bitno reci je kako sam jednom ovdje na forumu spominjao da sam gazdu teretane spottao na 200kg i kako je cak i mene bilo strah tezine(nije to ni bilo toliko davno) - a sad meni na ledjima to i vise - a nikad nikog nisam vidio u svojoj teretani sa 200+



                  edit: openeri 175/125/225 - samo da se plasiram na listu da ne zavrsim meet sa 0
                  Sto se tice svega mogu ti reci ovo " cejf nikad nije bio skup " zato rokaj mani se sigurica, ispuni sebi cejf i udri muski da kasnije budes sretniji
                  Nisi se pripremio i razvio toliko da bi dosao tamo odradit siguricu, vec da lomis rekorde prvo svoje a onda ostale.... Zato die hard or keep tryn....

                  Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
                  "Od svih vrlina najteže je postići poniznost; ništa ne umire teže od želje za dobrim mišljenjem o sebi"


                  • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                    CYCLE 4, WEEK 2, SQUAT DAY 3+:

                    desio se FAIL! Samo sam cekao taj dan...

                    Set 1: 100x3
                    Set 2: 115x3
                    Set 3: 130x3+ --> 2 ( +5kg i -3 ponavljanja manje.... Razlika je u tome sto sam danas radio neki high middle bar a prosli put low bar)

                    Paused squat: 90x6 x6 x5

                    Sumo dl: 50,90x5, 120x5, 140x3, 140x3

                    Leg press: 100x15, 140x12, 180x10, 180x10

                    Lezeca ekstenzija 4 serije,list stojeci 4 serije zadnja drop

                    Komentar: sta reci, ponovit cu iste kilaze sljedeci ciklus... Low bar mi je odlican i rado bi ga i dalje prakticirao ali imam *****i problem sa zglobom, boli me unatoc tome da sam isprobao sve (siri,uzi hvat itd itd.) Neznam sta da radim... Negdje između cu probat stavljat sipku...


                    sent from my nokia 3410
                    myprotein code: MP24017174


                    • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                      CYCLE 4, WEEK 2, OHP DAY 3+:

                      Set 1: 50x3
                      Set 2: 60x3
                      Set 3: 67.5x3+ ---> 6 (+2.5kg i -1 ponavljanje )

                      Paused ohp: 50x7 x6 x6

                      Letenje u pretklonu: 14,20,30x15 x15

                      Side laterals: 12,16,18x12 x12

                      Super serije face pulls sa prednjim odrucenje bucicama 3 serije

                      Jednorucno odrucenje kablom 2 drop serije

                      Shrugs 4 serije

                      Komentar: nista posebno, cak mi je bio i jedan od boljih ohp sto se tice forme. Sad 2 dana off, na put za sloveniju kod rodbine pa usput i u nabavku suplemenata

                      sent from my nokia 3410
                      myprotein code: MP24017174


                      • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                        planiran easy workout koji se pretvorio u ramp do opener-a za deadlift

                        shodno tome da je bilo neplanirano nisam ni imao pojas, pa sam deadlift radio do 230kg, pa dva keca sa 220, 200 i 180

                        poslije toga lateral raises bucice 4 serije, face pulls 5 serija, back extensions 6 serija - zadnja 70kg x 6

                        radi li iko ovdje back extensions sa tezinama ? kako ih drzite ?
                        A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                        If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                        * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                        • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                          Klupa za lednjake sa nagibom od 45°, uvatis sipku i "deadliftas" s erektorima i zadrzis?


                          • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                            ne znam ni je li koristim pravu klupu ali moja je 90°, a dosad sam u rukama drzao onako same ploce

                            tfw poverty gym
                            A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                            If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                            * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *


                            • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa

                              I ja najcesce radin sa plocama al su neprakticne i hvat je poprilicno ogranicavajuci faktor, odnosno nije hvat jer podlaktice nisu problem nego nezgrapnost ploca... Mozda se snimin sutra sa sipkom. S obzirom koliko se sniman, hladno san moga imat svoj fitness kanal


                              • Re: modifikovani 5/3/1 trening log forumasa


                                everything you need to know about making gains while getting shitfaced multiple times a week

                                *always living life to it's fullest*
                                A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

                                If the connection to the facts aren’t made in more subtle ways, you might as well be telling a crackhead that drugs are bad for him and hoping he’ll quit since you’ve told him the truth. People follow feelings, not rational self-interest.

                                * SHUT UP AND SQUAT *

